The Differences between IPv4 & IPv6
IPv4 and IPv6 are Internet Protocol version 4 and Internet Protocol version 6, IP version 6 is the new version of Internet Protocol, which is much better in terms of complexity and efficiency than IP version 4.
Difference Between IPv4 and IPv6:
*IPv4 has 32-bit address length, while IPv6 has 128-bit address length.
*IPv4 Supports Manual and DHCP address configuration, while IPv6 supports Auto and renumbering address configuration
*In IPv4 end to end connection integrity is Unachievable, In IPv6 end to end connection integrity is Achievable.
*IPv4 can generate 4.29×109 address space, Address space of IPv6 is quite large it can produce 3.4×1038 address space.
*Security feature of IPv4 is dependent on application, while IPSEC is inbuilt security feature in the IPv6 protocol.
*Address representation of IPv4 in decimal, Address Representation of IPv6 is in hexadecimal
*IPv4: Fragmentation performed by Sender and forwarding routers, while in IPv6 fragmentation performed only by sender
*In IPv4 Packet flow identification is not available, In IPv6 packetflow identification are Available and uses flow label field in the header.
*Address representation of IPv4 in decimal, while Address Representation of IPv6 is in hexadecimal.
*Fragmentation performed by Sender and forwarding routers, while In IPv6 fragmentation performed only by sender.
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