How Often Should You Run Usability Tests

How Often Should You Run Usability Tests

Before discussing how often one should carry out usability tests, it is effective first to define the goals of your research. This is the most significant part of the whole process. You should decide whether you want to run a qualitative data, quantitative methodology, or use the way of addressing issues related to the design of your system.

The more focused your usability study is, the more you get accurate and relevant results. The more questions you opt to ask your participants the more you give yourself a room of knowing your participants deeply.

Usability tests should be done as much as possible by the use of questionnaires, using a dry run method, and reporting the findings.

The Use of Questionnaires

You can use the two types of questionnaires to run your usability tests. These are Pre-test questionnaires and Post-test questionnaires.

Pre-test Questionnaires

These are questions that help you fathom your users in a better way. With 7-10 questions on rational background data, like gender, age, beliefs, experience with the system, or even educational background assist you to evaluate how a target audience uses your product.

More importantly, these questions should have a direct user relationship, the goal set for the test, and the functionality of the tasks chosen.

Pro-test Questionnaires

These are questions that will assist you to digest the experience which the participants passed through as they accomplished the task. You can ask the participants to give their responses on how difficult or easy it was to use the system, and how much they liked or disapproved the experience.

Trying a Dry Run

Preparing and rehearsing for the study is essential to make sure that everyone is okay to avoid any difficulty during the real test. Carrying out a pilot test will assist you to approximate the time necessary to finish the test.

By conducting a pilot test, you are assured that the real test will have zero difficulties, without any technical hitches. The dry test is also a golden opportunity to check if the work done by participants is alright.

Report the Findings

There is no single or specific method to analyse your information. You can select and agree with your crew on whatever ways fits you. Based on thorough findings, you will manage to pinpoint problems to areas within the system and offer the solutions that will assist your business to grow locally and globally.
